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Monday, 4 January 2010

Resolutions Challenge - Sabine Little

FHFteam are running a challenge right now on the word theme of Resolutions. Here is the stunning necklace entered by Sabine of Little Castle Designs.

Sabine says:
I first came across Jenny Joseph's poem a few years ago, and it made me laugh out loud. I had visions of this lovely elderly lady running her walking sticks along railings, and I thought 'that's how I want to grow old'. At the time, I was single, and fancy free, no child to be a good example to. This has changed, and I think I now respond to the poem differently. Whereas before, both points of view (the Now and the Later) were alien to me, I now feel I understand better how it feels to be 'grown up and responsible' - whatever that might mean...but at the same time, I've learnt that our children need to grow up with a sense of silliness, of fun that harms nobody, and to take risks for what they believe in. To metaphorically 'wear purple' every day - that's my resolution for 2010...and every year thereafter.

You can find more stunning jewellery and lampwork created by Sabine at LittleCastleDesigns

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